Saturday, May 17, 2008

There are two faces to a penny

I have this friend. I can't really name her since she might read this, so let me call her Sophia.

Sophie seems sweet and caring. She is outgoing and entertaining. She has got it all. This is her face up.

She knows how to subtlety push people's button and seem innocent about it. She will make a small 'innocent' comment that is rude a hurtful and project innocence to herself.
My instincts tell me she is not innocent. When you confront her she covers by saying that she didn't mean it that way and that she is innocent in her words and that I should know her better. I guess I don’t. I love her hence I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but my instincts tells me she is anything but.

You see Sophie is my long-term family friend. It used to bother me that she is this way. If she were a new acquaintance, I would dump her by now, but she is one of my family friends.

But now I have come to accept it and accept the fact that she will never change. Accept the fact that she will be around my life....Next time she brings out her other face, I will be ready and smart.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Stay Hungry | Stay Foolish


How crazy are you? (I mean in a good way)

They are many weird people in this world, but very few qualify as CRAZYYYYY. It's a real achievement! (Now, I don't mean insane crazy I mean fun crazy.) Do you take the weird opportunities or do you follow the 'normal' crowd.

What does Crazy mean?

Dictionary describes as....

1. Full of Cracks or flaws
2. Mad, insane
3. Being out of the ordinary
4. Distracted with desire or excitement

I am using crazy in the context of 1, 3, and 4 of definition above. To me crazy means anything that is not normal/norm/common. It means doing something different and something unexpected. Here is an example: Chenna Masala Curry! The recipe has been passed on to me from generations. I used to constantly make it in the certain way my mom taught me. One day I had a crazy idea and decided to experiment. My friends and family loved it. They want me to make it all the time now and want to know where I came up with the idea. My secret to the normal recipe is to add Italian sauce. Pretty Crazy huh… (You can try this with other dishes but not all of them will taste good.)

What does Normal mean anyway?

Dictionary describes as....

1. Conforming of a type, standard, or regular pattern
2. Occurring naturally
3. Of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development.

Normal is just average. It's not below but it's not above either. If people expect you to be normal and you expect yourself to be normal you will never develop further and hence will not grow.

Here is an idea: In order to be better than average you have to implement craziness.
Caution: While implementing this idea, please keep in mind that there is a fine line between crazy and insanity.