Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Do not fear going forward; fear only to stand still

Last couple of months contained drastic changes in my life. And more changes are coming in the future! I am not able to fully absorb this change in my life. Hence, the state of fear has manifested itself in me!

Although, the times ahead do promise joy and happiness, why am I stuck in this state of fear? Why do I fear change? I suppose it's because of certain uncertainty it might bring. But change is inevitable! Whether I am looking for it or not, it sure finds me, time and time again. Change is truly inevitable and a necessity to survive. Absolutely unavoidable. Otherwise, we the human race would be stuck in one state of being for the rest of our lives. Our daily activities become robotic and boring.

It seems to me that I fear mostly not "Change" but the possibility that the change could bring "failure." But I have to take a leap of faith to move forward, and believe that change can bring new exciting experiences, new joy and happiness into my life. Hence, Success.

So as I sit back and watch my life unfold into new directions, I promise to myself that I will fully participate in this new adventure. Of course, this fear is still leaping around, but I choose to ignore it and move forward. I choose to take a leap of faith and enjoy the fruits of change. I am willing to transform into a new me, ready for change.

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